![]() In the summer of 2007, Auzia came to GreenePets by way of an SAR handler who accepted her from a part time police officer who had acquired her from a truck driver who was supposed to be caring for her for a police officer who had gone to Afganistan. The SAR handler thought that she could place Auzia in a search unit but soon discovered that Auzia's levels of training far exceeded just search and rescue, and this handler wasn't qualified to deal with her. Auzia was turned over to GreenePets to find a proper placement. Quite a trip for a girl to cover in two years huh?
Well, as things turn out, GreenePets was proud to be of assistance to Auzia, and after some major effort locating police department K-9 units, Auzia was able to return to work full time with the Bristol Tennessee Police Department. Placing a working dog is a special responsibility. Auzia was trained in narcotics detection, search, and apprehension which didn't make her a candidate for the normal home either. The only way to solve the delima of her placement was to call a Police K-9 trainer in Washington State, so Kat called Officer Steve White whom she has studied and followed his writings for many years. Steve told Kat that the possibility of placing Auzia with a police department would be pretty slim due to her age, Auzia was now seven, but perserverance paid off. I remember the conversation with Police Chief Blaine Wade of the Bristol Tennessee Police Department. Chief Wade was the only one who would accept my call about Auzia after spending days calling departments. I introduced myself as a professional dog trainer who owned kennels in Greeneville, and that I also ran a rescue and had recently acquired a trained police K-9. Well, if scepticism could drip, my phone would have been foaming. However, Chief Wade did give me the courtesy of listening to my tale about Auzia, which was something I had not been able to command from any of the other departments I had contacted. I described to him what I knew from the great deal of research I had done on her background before I started making the phone calls, Chief Wade asked what I wanted for the dog. My reply was "Nada, this girl needs to go back to work." In this case, an officer was assigned to come to All Critters Bed n Biscuit and assess the dog. Officer Robert Caudill came to the kennel, and introduced himself. He told me quite frankly that he didn't expect much and the dog probably wouldn't pass as a K-9, so I should not get my hopes up. I informed Officer Caudill that he was in for a surprise and I took him into the kennels to meet Auzia. We then took Auzia to a fenced exercise yard where Officer Caudill put her through basic obedience commands, and sent her on a search. He was stunned by her responses. Now remember, this dog had been loafing for nearly two years, and still Officer Caudill was blown away by her speed and accuracy in responding to commands. He then asked what I knew about her and I told him. Officer Caudill made a phone call to the police department that Auzia used to work for. The officer on dispatch remembered Auzia and told Officer Caudill that this dog's drug work was more than outstanding. It was several more weeks before Auzia became a K-9 for the Bristol Tennessee Police Department, and she wasn't allowed on patrol until she had gone through the annual re-certifications required of working K-9 officers. Auzia became Officer Robert Caudill's K-9 until he was able to get his newest bomb detection dog. Then Auzia was partnered with a new K-9 officer, Chesney Griffin. Chief Wade sent me a letter and the news clipping about Auzia's retirement due to an injury. I cried, though I am thrilled and proud that Auzia has been able to live her life in defense of our nation as so many of our young people are doing for us every day. Bless, Chief Wade, Officer Caudill, Officer Griffin, and the Bristol Tennessee Police Department for making this rescue of a homeless dog so very outstanding. Bristol Tennessee Police Department K-9 Unit. Auzia's Retirement has been announced. For Auzia, retirement will still be pretty wonderful, as she has been elevated to the rank of house pet, and will live the rest of her life with her handler Chesney Griffon. Auzia will still be allowed to visit schools as a K9 ambassador for the Bristol City Police Department, and she will be loving that just as much as she dedicated herself to her work. Bristol Tennessee Police Department K-9 Unit. Trained Patrol Dogs are a valuable asset to their officer/partner.
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May 2022
DukeDuke has been the reason for the season all along. In 1992, we rescued a darling puppy from a barn situation who grew up to be the greatest trial and love of our lives. |