With Apprentice Level 3
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Level 3 Apprentice
Level 3 Apprentice - 185 hours - $1,900.00
To help the trainer grow and gain confidence in training and behavior knowledge and skills, and prepare for a career as a professional dog trainer. Upon successful completion of this course, student should be prepared for a position as a paid trainer under supervision, or as a head trainer, depending on student's prior background and experience coming into the course, and the degree to which he or she assimilated and can apply the course information.
Prerequisites for Level 3 Apprentice - 185 hours
Completion of Peaceable Paws Level 2 Apprenticeship
Commitment for Level 3 Apprentice - 185 hours
Apprentices are expected to attend all of the classes in any session that they agree to assist. Missing one or more classes may require a single "make-up" class or, at the discretion of the instructor and Pat Miller, may require an entire "make-up" session. (All options: Assist with Academies as available)
Curriculum for Level 3 Apprentice - 185 hours
14 hours minimum (one session, two classes) of Basic Class teaching
14 hours minimum observing private training or behavior consultations, assisting as appropriate
21 hours minimum teaching Intermediate classes
21 hours minimum observing advanced classes
21 hours minimum teaching advanced classes
12 hours of discussion, review of: class observations; assigned reading; videos
30 hours minimum assisting w/shelter behavioral assessments
30 hours minimum working with/training shelter dogs
20 hours minimum animal care/administrative assistance
1 - 1 hour discussion written final subject paper <<"Special Assignments" item (a) below>>
1 - 1 hour practical final exam <<"Special Assignments" item b) below>>
Special Assignments:
A) Select agreed upon area of special interest in behavior and training, read at least three books and write a 2500 word paper on the subject, and
B) Set mutually agreed upon training goals to achieve with personal dog by completion of the course for practical final exam.
Level 3 Apprentice Cost: 1,900.00
Level 3 Apprentice - 185 hours - $1,900.00
To help the trainer grow and gain confidence in training and behavior knowledge and skills, and prepare for a career as a professional dog trainer. Upon successful completion of this course, student should be prepared for a position as a paid trainer under supervision, or as a head trainer, depending on student's prior background and experience coming into the course, and the degree to which he or she assimilated and can apply the course information.
Prerequisites for Level 3 Apprentice - 185 hours
Completion of Peaceable Paws Level 2 Apprenticeship
Commitment for Level 3 Apprentice - 185 hours
Apprentices are expected to attend all of the classes in any session that they agree to assist. Missing one or more classes may require a single "make-up" class or, at the discretion of the instructor and Pat Miller, may require an entire "make-up" session. (All options: Assist with Academies as available)
Curriculum for Level 3 Apprentice - 185 hours
14 hours minimum (one session, two classes) of Basic Class teaching
14 hours minimum observing private training or behavior consultations, assisting as appropriate
21 hours minimum teaching Intermediate classes
21 hours minimum observing advanced classes
21 hours minimum teaching advanced classes
12 hours of discussion, review of: class observations; assigned reading; videos
30 hours minimum assisting w/shelter behavioral assessments
30 hours minimum working with/training shelter dogs
20 hours minimum animal care/administrative assistance
1 - 1 hour discussion written final subject paper <<"Special Assignments" item (a) below>>
1 - 1 hour practical final exam <<"Special Assignments" item b) below>>
Special Assignments:
A) Select agreed upon area of special interest in behavior and training, read at least three books and write a 2500 word paper on the subject, and
B) Set mutually agreed upon training goals to achieve with personal dog by completion of the course for practical final exam.
Level 3 Apprentice Cost: 1,900.00