Hours , Map & Calendar
Some of our Guests
New Client
Boarding Reservation
New Pet in Our House
Animal Rescue Reservation
Vacationing in the Mountains!
Pet Grooming
Grooming Reservation
Enroll Classes
Classes at our Training Center
Private Training
Private Enrollment
Board & Train
Board & Train Enroll
Board n Train Expanded Info
AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy
AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy - Enroll
Training Blog
Levels Training Classes
Apprentice Trainer
Apprentice Inquiry
Apprentice Level 1
Level 1 Apprentice Information
Enroll - Level 1 Apprentice
Apprentice Level 2
Apprentice Level 3
Home Alone?
Country Club Blog
Pets About Towne
Rent Training Center
Photo Album
Amazon Affiliate Sales
Affiliate Sales
Leather Dog Collars
Leather Dog Leads
Dog Crates
Dog Toys
Organic Dog Treats
Mystery with Dogs
Hours & Location
Dog's Bad Behavior & Health
Bordatella Vaccination & Kennel Cough
Enroll - Dogs in a Moving World
Fill out the form below to begin your Dogs in a Moving World Class
Indicates required field
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Home Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
Dog's Name
Dog's age and date of birth
Breed of dog
How did you adopt your dog (breeder, shelter, etc.?)
Date you adopted your dog.
Reasons you selected this dog.
Vet name, address and phone number.
Any health issues? Allergies, etc? Please explain.
Medications for your dog.
What behavorial or training issues are you seeking help with?
When did the issues begin?
What do you think is causing the problems or issues?
What methods have yo tried to connect or train the issues?
What results have you had with your methods?
What trainbing education has this dog had?
What commands/words does your dog know and respond to?
How many persons are in your household?
How many children under 2 live with this dog?
How many children 2-4 years old live with this dog?
How many children 5-12 years old live with this dog?
How many teenagers live with this dog?
Please list any other pets in the household.
How does your dog interact with the other pets? AND Who would you say is in charge among the pets?
What brand of food do you feed? How much and how often to this dog?
Who feeds the dog?
Does your dog eat all the meal at once, or doyo ufree feed?
Do you have this dog sit before giving the meal?
Do you give this dog get treats?
Do you give this dog leftover people food?
What are some of the house rules for this dog?
Who trains the dog?
How often do you work on dog training?
How does the dog do with your training methods?
What training methods have you tried?
Who disiplines the dog?
How does the person disipline the dog?
Where does the dog sleep?
What is the dogs exercise routine?
How many hours of exercise does the dog get each day?
What are the dogs favorite ways to play?
How many hours per day does your dog spend alone?
How does your dog respond to other dogs?
How does your dog repsond to non-dog animals?
How does your dog respond to children?
How does your dog respond to strangers?
How much time can you commit per day to work with your dog on training/behavorial issues?
Have you had any recent changes to the household?
What behaviors do you like most about this dog?
What behaviors do you like least about this dog?
What changes are you looking for with this dog?
Please add anything we may have not covered that you deem to be important about your relationship with this dog.
Hours , Map & Calendar
Some of our Guests
New Client
Boarding Reservation
New Pet in Our House
Animal Rescue Reservation
Vacationing in the Mountains!
Pet Grooming
Grooming Reservation
Enroll Classes
Classes at our Training Center
Private Training
Private Enrollment
Board & Train
Board & Train Enroll
Board n Train Expanded Info
AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy
AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy - Enroll
Training Blog
Levels Training Classes
Apprentice Trainer
Apprentice Inquiry
Apprentice Level 1
Level 1 Apprentice Information
Enroll - Level 1 Apprentice
Apprentice Level 2
Apprentice Level 3
Home Alone?
Country Club Blog
Pets About Towne
Rent Training Center
Photo Album
Amazon Affiliate Sales
Affiliate Sales
Leather Dog Collars
Leather Dog Leads
Dog Crates
Dog Toys
Organic Dog Treats
Mystery with Dogs
Hours & Location
Dog's Bad Behavior & Health
Bordatella Vaccination & Kennel Cough